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Lynn Becomes a Certified DrumFIT Instructor!

According to Alana Schieck, DrumFit Program Director,  there are only 9 certified drum aerobic instructors in the State of Michigan - certified through the organization called “Drum FIT”. Lynn Turner became one of the nine on August 19, 2019. Additional training in this unique form of exercise coupled with Lynn’ s talent in percussion and dance has enhanced the overall drum aerobic exercise sessions.. Lynn says about the training, “I found it amazing and really informative regarding current research into the brain and body. For example, new fMRI studies show how much more of the brain is engaged when someone is actually playing music as opposed to just listening to music. And we sure do play music in drum aerobics!” Another example that Lynn shares with her classes has to do with building the brain with certain body patterns during the workout. “We do a cross over pattern with the drumsticks on the exercise balls. Brain studies have shown actual increase in brain tissue in the corpus callosum from these specific types of exercises embedded in the routines. . The final exam to become certified was to have a class video recorded for analysis. Thanks to the folks at Bay View Association who filmed the class in none other than ‘Loud Hall’”. Lynn passed the final exam with flying colors. Congratulations to Lynn and to the Drum Village organization!

Earlier Event: September 3
"Stick With Us!"
Later Event: November 14
New Class Rolling Out in Cheboygan!